Searching for Home

004 - Between Two Homes

December 19, 2023 Ronit Kumar Panda and McKenna Killion Season 1 Episode 5

Have you ever returned to your hometown after moving away only to find that it's not quite the same as you remember? Join us in this episode as we explore the bittersweet experience of going back to where it all began. From familiar faces to local hangouts, we'll delve into the changes that have unfolded and the emotional dissonance that accompanies it. But this isn't just a journey of nostalgia; it's about evolved perspectives, changed mindsets, and a heightened awareness of ourselves and the world around us. It's not just about what has changed externally but how we've changed internally.

Tune in as we reflect on the lessons learned, the importance of being honest with ourselves and the world, and the pledge to do better. This episode is an exploration of the intricate dance between nostalgia and growth, where the familiar meets the foreign, and how returning home becomes a powerful catalyst for personal and communal change.